
One of the most common issues with a vehicle is belts and hoses that are old and cracking.  Proper vehicle maintenance not only makes a vehicle run smoothly, but it also prolongs the life of the car.  If you are not sure how often to bring the vehicle in, contact us. We can advise you on the proper maintenance schedule for your vehicle. This can ensure that it is well maintained and working correctly. Anytime you notice something out of the norm, bring the vehicle in so we can inspect it for you. By catching an issue at the first sign, you can save time, money, and stress in the long run. Your vehicle should always run smoothly and quietly. Anything that would suggest otherwise can be a cause for concern.

Odd noises

More often than not, drivers know when their belts require attention because their vehicle makes an unusual squeaking noise when driven.  While this noise should never be ignored, the fact of the matter is that it is possible for drivers to spot problems with their belts even before the squeaking begins.

Checking the belts

The best time to examine them is when the car or truck’s engine is cool, before it has been running for a period of time.  Each of the vehicle’s belts can then be checked for cues that replacement is necessary.  When examining the belts, drivers should look for things such as cracking in the rubber, vehicle fluids that have accumulated on the belt itself, accumulation of rubber particles on the belt pulleys, and worn out grooves on the underside of the belt.  Any of these signs are good indicators that the belts need replacing.  The tension should also be checked to ensure that the belts are neither too tight nor too loose.

Inspect hoses

Hoses are somewhat more difficult to inspect than belts. They can appear just fine from the outside, but have issues on the inside of the hose.  To determine whether a hose is wearing on the inside is by feeling the end of the hose for bumps. Locate the end of the hose and pinch it between their fingers.  If it feels uneven and bumpy, this is an indication that the inside of the hose is worn out. This means that it requires replacement.  Another thing to look for is vehicle fluid on the outside of the hose. This can many times wear down the hose material.